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Protein Labeling Kits

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18 Items found
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Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit - Lysine-Reactive (Size L)
€499.00 excl VAT
Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit - Cysteine-Reactive (Size L)
€499.00 excl VAT
Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit - For His-Tag (Size M)
€399.00 excl VAT
Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit - For His-Tag (Size L)
€1,599.00 excl VAT
Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit - Biotin-Reactive (Size XL)
€4,999.00 excl VAT
Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit - Lysine-Reactive (Size XL)
€2,999.00 excl VAT
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